CImage:Rows CImage:TimeStr


The Time method returns the time-stamp at the beginning of the exposure as the number of seconds.


nSeconds = CImage:Time()

    The time nSeconds is the number of seconds since midnight GMT.

    On failure, this method returns 0.


Suppose that an image in the file sPath was acquired beginning at 0h 52m 23.62s GMT. The following script fragment returns the time at which the image was acquired:


I = CImage:new()

-- create a new CImage

I:Open( sPath )

-- open the image

Printf( "t = %lg", I:Time())

-- Result: t = 3143.62 sec

Printf( "T = '%s'", I:TimeStr())

-- Result: T = '00:52:23.62'

Related Topics

CImage, TimeStr, Date