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The ApplyPixelMask method repairs point defects identified by locations stored in a pixel mask file. This is effective for repairing point defects as well as single row and single column artifacts.
bResult = CImage:ApplyPixelMask( nMethod, sMaskFile, CRect=nil )
nMethod is a number corresponding to the repair
method (see Remarks).
sMaskFile is the name of the text file containing
the pixel
The rectangular
region to repair is specified by a CRect, with 1-based coordinates. If omitted, the
entire image is repaired.
On success,
this method returns true.
On failure,
false is returned.
This method replaces point values using a statistic computed from pixels in the neighborhood. The neighborhood method is described in the table below.
Method |
Description |
1 |
Replaces the pixel by the mean value from its 4 nearest neighbors. |
2 |
Replaces the pixel by the median value from its 4 nearest neighbors. |
3 |
Replaces the pixel by the median value from its 8 nearest neighbors. Use this method for repairing 1 pixel wide line defects. |
Point locations in need of repair are identified by pixel coordinates in a Pixel Mask File. A related pixel repair method is SetMaskedValue which replaces pixels with a specific value rather than a computed neighborhood value.
Assume that a pixel mask file named sMaskFile exists. The following script fragment repairs point values in the image in a file named sPath using defect coordinates from the pixel mask file. Points in the central 50% of the image are repaired by replacing them with the median of their 8 nearest neighbors:
I = CImage:new() |
-- Create a CImage |
I:Open( sPath ) |
-- Open the image from sPath. |
w = I:Cols() ; h = I:Rows() |
-- get image width and height |
R = CRect:new() |
-- create a rectangle |
R:Set( 0.25*w, 0.75*w, 0.25*h, 0.25*h ) ) |
-- central 50% of columns and rows |
I:ApplyPixelMask( 3, sMaskFile, R ) |
-- apply the pixel mask |
I:Save() |
-- save the image |
I:delete() |
-- delete the CImage from memory |
R:delete() |
-- delete the CRect from memory |