Compass Gradient Filter
The Compass Gradient Filter, often simply called just a Gradient Filter, calculates the local directional first derivative of image values in a specified azimuth direction. This filter is used for special effect and other computational purposes. For calculating the total, non-directional gradient, see the Laplacian Filter.
The Compass Gradient Filter command opens
from the Image Window > Process
> Filters menu and button
on the Main Toolbar. The "immediate"
form, shown first, opens when an image or image set is displayed in
the top-most window. The general form can be used to select source
images from folders, windows, or by matching templates..
Compass Gradient Filter Properties
Profile [|>] |
Selects the parameter profile for this command and allows you to save or work with existing presets. |
[Select] |
Opens the Select Source Images dialog to choose images from an image window, folder, files, pattern, or a file list. |
Direction |
Specifies the azimuthal angle in which the local image gradient (slope) is measured.. |
Source Region |
Specifies the rectangular region to be processed. The options are as follows: Entire image The entire image is processed. Image Cursor The region to be processed is selected using the Image Cursor. Rectangle The region specified by Min and Max limits for Column and Row coordinates is processed. Column and Row, Min and Max When Rectangle is selected, these values specify the column and row limits to be processed. |