Math Commands

The commands below apply mathematical processing to the luminance dimension of images. These commands are located in the Process > Math menu.


Combine Images

Combines more images into a single image. The images must be opened as an image set in a single window.

Combine Files

Combines images from files to make a single image. This command works only with FITS format files.

Image Arithmetic

Applies various arithmetic operations between two images.

Value Arithmetic

Applies various arithmetic operations between an image and a constant value.

Arithmetic Operations

Applies various mathematical operations that do not depend upon anything but the image itself, such as square root or logarithm.

Correct Background

Fits a surface to an image and subtracts or divides it into the image or creates a new image from the surface. This is often used for flattening the image background.

Create Synthetic Image

Creates synthetic images containing all noise sources and optional stars; useful for evaluating image processing techniques and algorithms.

Change Data Type

Converts the pixel format of an image from one type to another (e.g., 16 bit integer to 32 bit real).

Extract Byte Plane

Creates a new image from a specified byte index of a luminance image.

Region Stat Preferences

Used to configure the statistical estimator used to assign a value to an image region. This tool is used by various math commands.

Related Topics

Geometry Commands, Spatial Filter Commands, Processing Images