Working with FITS Image Headers

FITS format, or the "Flexible Image Transport System", is a standard data format specification maintained by NASA. A FITS format image contains both pixel data and "metadata" that describes the pixel data. The image metadata are stored in a series of structured data fields as a "header" at the beginning of the data file (or elsewhere in some images). The FITS header contains keyword-labeled information that describes the image data throughout its lifetime. In addition to opening, saving, and displaying FITS format images, Mira provides several tools for displaying and modifying the information contained in the FITS header.

FITS Format definition

Defines and describes the FITS format and Mira's implementation.

FITS Keywords

Defines the standard FITS keywords and additional keywords used by Mira.

Editing the FITS Header

Describes the general procedure for editing or modifying the FITS header information.

FITS Header Editor

Displays the FITS header information and permits the information to be edited. The header is opened in an independent window, separate from the image window.

FITS Header Pane

Displays the FITS header information and permits the information to be edited. The header is opened in a docking pane owned by the image window.

FITS Image Orientation

Defines the coordinate orientation used by FITS format images.

WCS Keywords

Displays the keywords used for describing a World Coordinate System attached to the image.

Comment Keywords

Describes how comments are stored in the FITS image header.

History Keywords

Describes how the image processing history is stored in the FITS image header.

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