Using Point Deletion in the 1-D Fit

The 1-D Fit Package provides several ways to select points to be discarded from the polynomial fit. Manual point deletion allows you to remove specific points before the data are fit. The pictures below describe this process.


The picture below shows the original data fit by a 5 term polynomial. Sigma clipping is not enabled, so the peak in the data pulls the fit upward, resulting in overshoot at other locations.

The picture below shows Delete mode enabled by clicking . Afterwards, the data shown in red were deleted. Then was clicked to update the fit. The point deletion leads to a better fit that disregards the peak.

The picture below shows deleted points being restored. Click the menu button and select Reset > Deleted Points from the menu. Afterwards, the data will appear as in the picture at the top of the page.

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1-D Fit Package, 1-D Fit Toolbar, Sigma Clipping the 1-D Fit