Running Scripts listed in the User's Guide
This document contains numerous sample scripts that you may find useful for testing or as a starting point for writing your own scripts. It is straightforward to copy scripts from this document into a Mira Script Editor window (see Editing Scripts). Please note that table format is lost in the copy; hence, if you copy both columns of the table, the left table column will paste correctly but comments in the right table column will be moved to the next line in the Editor.
In this
document, mouse down to the left of the first character in the
starting row. Keep the mouse button down.
Drag the mouse
to the end of the last row to be copied. Release the mouse button
to highlight the desired text area.
Copy the
highlighted text using Ctrl+C,
Edit > Copy, or using
Copy in the right-click mouse
In Mira, Use
File > New to create a new
Script Document.
Paste into the
script document using Ctrl+V,
Edit > Paste, or Paste in the right-click mouse menu.