The FitPoly function fits a line to 2 tables containing x values and y values. This method creates a CLsqFit object, providing full access to all aspects of the fit.
CLsqFit = FitPoly( x[], y[], nCoefs ) CLsqFit = FitPoly( x[], y[], w[], nCoefs ) where
This example fits x and y tables to y = a[1] + a[2]x + a[3]x^2 + a[4]x^3:
-- x data |
-- y data |
-- Fit a polyniomial of 4 terms. |
-- if fit was not successful, then... |
-- get the error channel |
-- get the error message |
-- exit the script and list the error message |
-- list the standard deviation of the fit |
-- do other things with the fit |