
The GetRow method returns a reference to the CArray at the specified row.


nRow = CMatrix:GetRow( nIndex )


    nIndex is the row index of the member to retrieve.

    nRow is a reference to the CArray at row index nIndex. On failure, nil is returned.


Each row of the CMatrix is a reference to a CArray containing (column, value) pairs. This method returns a reference to the row object at index nIndex.


Assume that a CMatrix named M exists and contains a value "abc" at index [10][5]. This script shows working with the returned row as a CArray:

r = M:GetRow(10)

-- return a reference to row 10

if ( r and r:Exists(5) ) then

-- check that row r exists and column 5 exists

  v = r:Get( 5 )

-- get the value of M[10][5]

  Printf("v = '%s'", v )

-- v = 'abc'



Related Topics


CMatrix Class

CArray class