
The ForceCoef method specifies the value of a specific coefficient. This removes the coefficient from the set being fit and adjusts the fit results accordingly. Use this, for example, if fitting a line and you want the slope to have a specific value such as 1.0.


CLsqFit:ForceCoef( nIndex, nValue )

CLsqFit:ForceCoef( nIndex, nValue, nChan )


        nIndex is the index of the coefficient in the set of coefficients of the fit. This is a 1-based number.

        nValue is the target value of the coefficient.

        nChan is an optional parameter that specifies the target channel when fitting multi-channel data.


This method forces a coefficient to a specified value. The forced coefficient still is included in the total count of fit coefficients set using the SetNumCoefs method. For example, if you use SetNumCoefs(3)and call ForceCoef(2,1.0), then coefficient [2] will be set to the value 1.0 and removed from the set of "free parameters" of the fit. The fit still would use 3 parameters but parameter index 2 would be discarded from those being fit. The basis function remains unchanged when you force coefficients.

If you are doing a complex fitting procedure and do not remember which coefficients were forced, use the IsCoefForced method to determine if a particular coefficient was forced. To remove dorcing and return a coefficient to being a free parameter of the fit, use UnforceCoef. To fit all coefficients after some were forced, you can remove all forcing in one step using ResetForcedCoefs.


The example below illustrates forcing a coefficient in a 2x2 coefficient polynomial fit. After computing the fit, the cross term between x and y is removed by setting it to 0, leaving a fit to an inclined plane rather than a warped plane.


L = CLsqFit:new()

-- create the least squares fitting object

L:SetNumCoefs( {2,2} )

-- fit a polynomial with 2 coefficients each in 2 dimensions

L:AddPt( -3, 1, 2 )

-- add an (x,y) point

L:AddPt( 4, 5, 3 )

-- add more points...

L:AddPt( 10, 8, 6 )


L:AddPt( 13, 17, 4.5 )


L:AddPt( 15, 12, 4 )



-- do a 2x2 fit to 4 coefficients

    -- save the results for comparison


n = GetPolyCoefIndex( { 2, 2 } )

-- find the 2,2 coefficient in the 2x2 polynomial fit matrix

L:ForceCoef( n, 0.0 )

-- force the cross term at 2,2 to 0.


-- re-do the fit with no cross term.

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CLsqFit class