
The Fit method computes the least squares fit using the current data sample and current fit configuration.


bSuccess = CLsqFit:Fit()


    bSuccess is a success code, with true indicating success and false indicating failure.


If the fit fails, false is returned. Error information can be obtained using GetErrChan and GetErrMsg.


This example creates a CLsqFit object, adds some points, and then computes the fit. if the fit is not successful, the script lists error information and exits.

L = CLsqFit:new()

-- create a CLsqFit object

L:SetNumCoefs( 2 )

-- set 2 coefficients to fit a line

L:AddPt( 3.5, 5.15 )

-- add a point for x = 3.5, y = 5.15

L:AddPt( -12, 14 )

-- add a point

L:AddPt( -2, -4.25 )

-- add a point

bSuccess = L:Fit()

-- Fit the line, check the results

if not bSuccess then

-- if fit was not successful, then...

  n = L:GetErrChan()

-- get the error channel

  s = L:GetErrMsg(n)

-- get the error message

  Exit( Sprintf("Error [%d] %s\n", n, s ) )

-- exit the script and list the error message



Printf( "Sdev=%lg", L:GetSigmaFit() )

-- list the standard deviation of the fit


-- do other things with the fit

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CLsqFit class