The Sdev method creates an image who's pixel values are the standard deviation of values among all images at each point. If some of the images contain non-normally distributed values, or" artifacts", that do not align at the same pixel locatin in all the images, consider using the SdevClip method.
CImage = CImCombine:Sdev( CImageSet ) where |
CImageSet contains the collection of images to
be combined.
CImage is a new image created by this method.
On failure, nil is
Each pixel in the output image is the standard deviation of values at the same location in all the images of the CImageSet. This is not an image like each of the source images, but is a statistical map over the surface of the collection of images. Depending upon the images and the application, you may or may not wish to normalize the images before computing the range.
Suppose a CImageSet named S exists. The following script combines the images by the Sdev method after normalizing their luminance by the median statistic computed inside the central 10% of the image:
-- create a CImCombine object |
-- central 10% of the image |
-- specify CImage and CRect to measure |
-- use the median as the normalization statistic |
-- scale to normalize the image set |
-- combine the image set and return a new image |
-- show the new image |