The KwdGetNum method returns the value of a numeric keyword in the image header.
number = CImage:KwdGetNum( sKwd ) where |
sKwd is the keyword name.
number is the returned value of sKwd.
bSuccess is the returned success code. On
failure, nil is
This method returns the value of a number type keyword. No test is performed to determine if the keyword actually exists. If the return value is 0, we do not know whether the keyword has the value 0 or that it does not exist. To test whether the keyword exists, call KwdExists before this method. Alternatively, KwdGetNumEx returns 2 parameters: a boolean status code and the keyword value.
Suppose a CImage named I exists and contains keyword "DARKTIME". The following script returns the value of DARKTIME for the image I:
-- read the keyword value |
-- print the value |