
The new method creates an instance of the CGridView class. This method returns to the caller a reference to the object it creates. The calling code must assign this reference to a name.


V = CGridView:new()


    V is a new CGridView object. If the object cannot be created, nil is returned.


There are 2 additional ways to create a new CGridView without using this method:

    Use the Attach method to create a new CGridView attached to the top-most grid window.

    Use the AttachFromList method to create a new CGridView by selecting from a list of all open grid windows.

Note: This method's name uses all lower case to present it as the analog of the C++ new operator. Generally, the names of class methods begin with an uppercase letter but new and delete are different.


V = CGridView:new()

-- create a new instance of V of the CGridView class.


-- other uses of the class go here, between new and delete.


-- deletes the object and its associated memory.

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CGridView class