Resampling Preferences

Use this page to configure the way images are re-sampled. This page also selects which transformation is being used to achieve registration.


Resampling Preferences


Specifies the mathematical mapping between the marker coordinates in the reference image and the target images.

Shift: Corrects a coordinate displacement in the x and y directions.

Shear: Corrects coordinate displacements, rotation, non-perpendicular axes, and unequal scale in the x and y directions.

Resampling method

Specifies the method used to compute image intensity at fractional pixel coordinates.

Bi-linear: Computes a linear interpolation between pixels in the x and y directions.

Bi-cubic: Computes a 4 term cubic polynomial interpolation between pixels in the x and y directions.

Reference Image

Select the reference image onto which the transformation mapping is computed. This image is not resampled.


Opens a window listing a table of residuals from the transformation equations in all images.

Conserve Flux

Check this box to conserve flux (sigma per unit time) in the transformation equations. For example, if conserving flux and the output pixel is 1/2 as wide and 1/2 as tall, then the signal is 1/4 as high.


Check this option to give verbose listing of registration results.



Related Topics

Registration Preferences Dialog, Background Preferences