Create Dark Frame

The Create Dark Frame method is used by the Calibrate Images command to create a master dark frame from 1 or more raw dark frames residing in files. The raw dark frame files are specified on the Source Files > Dark page. The result of this method may be a single master dark or a series of master darks grouped by the exposure times found among the source files. To apply master dark frames to other images, use the Apply Dark Frame method.

The resulting master dark frame or frames are saved in files based on the filename in the Output Dark Frame Name field. If multiple darks are created, the file names use the exposure time as a suffix on the file name.

Creating one or more Master Darks

The Create box provides two options for creating the master dark frame(s): Create a Single dark frame or create multiple darks based on the exposure times found in the source files.

The choice to create single or multiple master dark frames affects the way the dark frames are applied by the Apply Dark Frame method. If creating multiple dark frames you will also probably want to check the Use Nearest Exposure option on the Apply Dark Frame method page. In addition, be sure to set the same Exposure Keyword as used in the present method so that the keyword used to segregate raw darks by exposure time is also used to choose which master dark to apply based on the same type of time measurement.



Related Topics

Calibrate Images, Methods Page, Image Combining Methods, Apply Dark Frame