Accessing More than 2GB of Memory

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NOTE: This tech note does not apply to 64-bit platforms, such as Mira Pro x64, as these are native 64-bit applications. It applies only to discontinued (legacy) 32-bit platforms including Mira AP, Mira Pro UE , and the old version 7 platforms.

By default, 32-bit versions of Windows limit a single instance of any 32-bit application to accessing only 2GB of virtual memory (RAM + page file size). This limitation also exists for 32-bit applications running on a 64-bit version of Windows, such as Windows 7, 8, or 10 (x64). Starting with Windows XP, the operating system can be configured to use of 3GB of memory. Windows 7x64 and later can be configured to access up to 4GB of memory. This setting enables called "Large Memory Access", or "LMA". All Mira platforms starting with Version 7 were built to support LMA. To allow Mira to access LMA, you must enable LMA on your Windows installation ...